New Characters, features and release date for Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force

New Characters, features and release date for Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force

Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe today revealed that their last Gundam Extreme videogame will be digitally available for the PlayStation Vita on the 12th of June 2016.

2 new Mobile Suit characters will join the universe of Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force; ∀ GUNDAM, with Loran Cehack as its pilot and Infinite Justice GUNDAM, piloted by Athrun Zala. Next to these pilots, 2 new Wingmen called Z’Gog and Rick-Dias will also be in the game.

Players can also discover a brand new feature called the Force Attack. This special and powerful attack is an exclusive for Force Commands and Battleships and can be used during Unit Battle Missions. Once the Force Attack bar is full, players can do some serious damage.

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I lift heavy stuff up and put it back down

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