New content for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Players of the world-famous FPS title will be glad that they can spend the holidays with their friends online while enjoying a lot of new content for their favorite Call of Duty game. This includes three new maps, a new game-mode, and new operations. First up are the maps:
- Over Winter: A holiday-inspired version of the Gunfight map Docks, have 2v2 battles in this Christmas themed map.
- Vacant: The offices from Call of Duty 4, remastered for intense Close Quarter Battles.
- Shipment: Another rework from an old Call of Duty game, this small intense map was a fan favorite for years.
The new game mode Cranked will put players in a deathmatch-like setting that has been first introduced in Call of Duty: Ghosts. Players must kill enemies within a certain amount of time or they will explode just like in the movie.
Furthermore, there are three new missions to play:
- Operation Strongbox: Get rid of Al-Qatala’s finances by destroying the bank and stealing all of their money.
- Classic Special Ops – Bomb Squad: Disarm the many IED’s that are left in the city of Al-Raab.
- Classic Special Ops – Disinform: Be sure that the right information does not fall to the wrong people, eliminate the opposition and get to the extraction in one piece.
Last but not least the Nikito- and Holideadly-bundles arrive in the store. You can get these starting today with a watch, more customization options, and three gun-blueprints.
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