New cyberpunk shooter 2084 announced for PC

New cyberpunk shooter 2084 announced for PC

Today, Feardemic has announced their new first-person shooter to be released on Steam Early Access this month.

2084 is the result of a 72-hour collaboration between developers of Feardemic and those behind the games >observer_ and Layers of Fear. In 2084, your success depends on your marksman skill and your hacking skills as well. You can hack the network for perks like better ammunition and augmented health stats to have a better chance at survival against the mindless, murderous creatures that will constantly attack you while you’re escaping the mysterious cyberpunk chamber.

Two game modes will be available when the game releases on Steam Early Access, the first being a story mode where players must kill enemies and bosses to progress, and the other is an endless survival mode in which you can test your skills to survive as long as you can.

2084 will release on Steam Early Access next week on December 13. The game is expected to be fully released in 2020. Check out the trailer below to have a first look at some short footage of the game.

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