Firefly Online

Firefly Online

I’m a fan of Firefly it’s not something that will be shocking considering how beloved the television show is but I still believe the show has never gotten its due. Even after the big budge... Read More »

Deadpool – Review

Deadpool – Review

Everyone’s favourite merc with a mouth is finally getting his own game with the self titled Deadpool game from Highmoon Studios. Highmoon proved they could take a popular franchise and create a ... Read More »

Site Score
Ryght Y-Storm speaker – Hardware Review

Ryght Y-Storm speaker – Hardware Review

Having discussed Ryght’s Butterfly speaker last time, we are now able to introduce you to its little brother the Y-Storm. This small tin of music might prove to be a worthy competitor for its fancie... Read More »

Eryi’s Action – Review

Eryi’s Action – Review

Imagine a world where everything tries to kill you: the floor disappears, your sweet goldfish turns into a piranha and tries to eat you or your neighbour starts to bomb your house. This isn’t possib... Read More »

Site Score
Tex Murphy: The Tesla Effect

Tex Murphy: The Tesla Effect

There has been a, well not a surprising one, but there has been a lack of FMV adventure games since computer graphics have increasingly become better. The last vestige of which has always been the Com... Read More »

Rambo The Videogame

Rambo The Videogame

Now when I think of Rambo the first thing that pops into my head is Stallone just running through the woods killing a enough people to populate a small city. Unfortunately when I look at this game the... Read More »

Announcement of the LEGO Movie Videogame

Announcement of the LEGO Movie Videogame

As some of us might know, LEGO is taking his first steps into the world of movies. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and TT Games announced the release of The LEGO®  Movie Videogame. The st... Read More »

CLOSED – Contest: Knights of pen & paper +1 Edition

CLOSED – Contest: Knights of pen & paper +1 Edition

Ever wondered how it feels to play an old school tabletop game inside a video game? Well today is your lucky day! Parodox Ineractive offered us 2 keys to give to our loyal readers! What do you have to... Read More »

The Pikmin crew of 3

The Pikmin crew of 3

The long awaited and long delayed third installment in the Pikmin franchise is slowly approaching, and with it comes trailers. The latest one of which focuses on the crew sent to explore PNF-404, the ... Read More »

Here Is Your Champion: Batman

Here Is Your Champion: Batman

There seems to be a large amount of Moba’s coming out lately thanks to the growing fanbase surrounding League of Legends and Dota 2. I’m sure Warner Brothers is hoping that if you’re... Read More »

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