Princess Maker Refine makes the classic more enjoyable

Princess Maker Refine makes the classic more enjoyable

Ever heard of Princess Maker? This Japanese game from 1991 tasks you with taking care of a 10 year old girl, raising her to the best of your abilities. The game explored the genre of social games early and paved some of the way to where we are now. If you wanted to try it but never could get a hold of it, you are in luck. The Princess Maker series now got a new remastered release, and you can enjoy upgraded (repainted) graphics from the 1991 classic in Princess Maker Refine. They also added more voice acting to the game, where now not only the girl but all characters have voices. You can find the game on Steam here or watch the trailer below if you want to see more first.

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I'm a game designer, developer, and reviewer. I've been reviewing for since 2017.

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