Skyrim Legendary Edition

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a massive game and I mean massive, one play through alone can put you back over 100 hours. Add in the DLC that Bethesda have released for the game and you’re looking at a game that could last you an entire year if you really wanted to play just one game.
Bethesda announced earlier that Dragonborn is the final piece of DLC for their latest Elder Scrolls game. Dragonborn added an entire island to the massive country of Skyrim to play around in, Hearth Fire their second DLC added in the ability to build a stable home for you and your partner as well as the ability to adopt a child, while Dawnguard the first DLC to the game added in the werewolf and Vampire lord skill trees as well as a large quest to accomplish in the game.
If you haven’t bought the game yet you’re in luck as you can now grab Skyrim and all of its massive DLC into one package.
The Skyrim Legendary Edition packs in the games 3 large DLC packs along with the base game for the low price of $59.99, to put that into perspective Dragonborn and Dawnguard are priced at 20 dollars a piece and Hearth Fire sits at a cool 10. Also included in the package (why wouldn’t they be but its a bullet point Bethesda included on the box) is the 1.9 update to Skyrim which added a new difficulty among many other things to the game.
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