Super Fighter Team – Magic Girl & Cascade Announced

Super Fighter Team – Magic Girl & Cascade Announced

Super Fighter Team, is a new and fast growing company that has taken the role upon themselves to create new games, developed especially for older Consoles. They recently announced that they will be publishing both Cascade & Magic Girl for the SEGA Genesis/ Mega Drive.

The first game is called Cascade, and is a dice-based puzzling game set in outer space, in which the player will be required to use their skills to their fullest. The game was initialy slated for release in Japan only. You’ll need quick and smart thinking to progress through all seven levels.


Magic Girl is a shoot’em up that let’s you play as a young girl fighting for her own life and her planet’s life from obliteration. The game is translated in English and a couple of bugs have been fixed.


For more information, please go to the following websites: and


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