
The Superior Spider-Man #003 – Comic Book Review

The Superior Spider-Man #003 – Comic Book Review

Two months have gone by, and like clockwork the next bundle of The Superior Spider-Man has finally hit the store. While the second bundle truly showed the beginning of how Dr. Octopus was putting Pete... Read More »

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LEGO Marvel’s Avengers – Review

LEGO Marvel’s Avengers – Review

Time sure flies by if you consider that the first LEGO Marvel game was released more than two years ago. The first installment proved to be a huge success, as it pitted a massive amount of superheroes... Read More »

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Captain America #002 – Comic Book Review

Captain America #002 – Comic Book Review

It has been a while since Captain America ended up in a different dimension where life is even tougher than it is in our very own survival of the fittest society. Barren as the lands surrounding Steve... Read More »

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Wolverine #002 – Comic Book Review

Wolverine #002 – Comic Book Review

After discovering a strange entity that was able to take over human minds, Wolverine did all that he could to save those who had no more will of their own. Nonetheless, the creature(s) responsible for... Read More »

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Thor God of Thunder #002 – Comic Book Review

Thor God of Thunder #002 – Comic Book Review

When we saw the world-weary elderly Thor at the end of the first bundle of De Standaard Uitgeverij, we knew Thor and his fellow Asgardians had suffered a terrible fate by the hands of the God Butcher,... Read More »

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New trailer showing off the open world of Lego Marvel’s Avengers!

New trailer showing off the open world of Lego Marvel’s Avengers!

Looking forward to an expansive experience? Lego Marvel’s Avengers will give you just that! Lego Manhattan is bigger and better than ever before. You can explore it as the Hulk, Fing Fang Foom o... Read More »

All New X-Men #002 – Comic Book Review

All New X-Men #002 – Comic Book Review

Cyclops joined forces with Magneto and Emma Frost, after he decided to murder Charles Xavier, the most beloved man in the mutant world. Xavier strived for a good relationship between mutants and the r... Read More »

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Uncanny Avengers #002 – Comic Book Review

Uncanny Avengers #002 – Comic Book Review

Last time Red Skull was causing terror at the end of the first issue, using the telepathic abilities of Charles Xavier’s brain. He even went as far as to get Thor, a god, under his mind control, pit... Read More »

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New trailer for Captain America: Civil War

New trailer for Captain America: Civil War

Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War takes off where Avengers: Age of Ultron stopped. Steve Rogers is now leading the new Avengers team. After yet another international incident with lots of collater... Read More »

Captain America #001 – Comic Book Review

Captain America #001 – Comic Book Review

Captain America, the most zealous hero of the Avengers has had his fair share of troubles in his prolonged life. Nonetheless, he continues to pick himself up, diving into battle headfirst hoping he ca... Read More »

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