Ballon Media

De Roofdierenclub #1 De Boeman – Comic Book Review

De Roofdierenclub #1 De Boeman – Comic Book Review

19th century London, was a prospering city, albeit thanks to the hands of the many workers that slaved themselves hour after hour in the factories, while only receiving pay that would barely provide f... Read More »

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Arthus Trivium #1 De engelen van Nostradamus – Comic Book Review

Arthus Trivium #1 De engelen van Nostradamus – Comic Book Review

The Dark Ages have always been a rather intriguing period, be it because it was the age of valiant knights and hero worship, or simply because the filth of humanity was ever so noticeable during this ... Read More »

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Game Over #13 Toxic Affair – Comic Book Review

Game Over #13 Toxic Affair – Comic Book Review

“Game Over”, it’s probably the two most dreaded or cheered upon words a gamer sees during one of his many gaming sessions. You can either finish the game, or die for the millionth time, while ai... Read More »

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Witte Klauw #3 De Weg van de Sabel – Comic Book Review

Witte Klauw #3 De Weg van de Sabel – Comic Book Review

Throughout history it was quite common that war was only waged by men, and women had to stay at home, watch the children and hope they would ever see their beloved husband come home again. It was pret... Read More »

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Angry Birds #4 De Lokvogel – Comic Book Review

Angry Birds #4 De Lokvogel – Comic Book Review

Even though most of the Angry Birds fad is over nowadays, new games are still being made, an animated movie is in de pipelines and Ballon still has a running comic book series, which we’ll discuss t... Read More »

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De Rest van de Wereld #1 – Comic Book Review

De Rest van de Wereld #1 – Comic Book Review

As of late, we go from one apocalyptic scenario to another. We leave the zombies from The Walking Dead behind and the deserted deserts from Mad Max in the distance and we head to the French mountainsi... Read More »

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Jommeke #276 De Onderwatertoerist –  Comic Book Review

Jommeke #276 De Onderwatertoerist – Comic Book Review

Two best friends, a talking parrot and an extraordinarily gifted, but oh so confused professor, that’s Jef Nys’ formula for success. Jommeke (Jeremy), Filiberke, Flip and professor Gobelijn have b... Read More »

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Gloria Victis #1 De Zonen van Apollo – Comic Book Review

Gloria Victis #1 De Zonen van Apollo – Comic Book Review

Even now, the Roman Empire might still be known as one of the biggest and most superior empires that has ever existed, and this is probably why there are so many movies, series and books about it. The... Read More »

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