
De Rode Ridder #257 De onmogelijke opdracht – Comic Book Review

De Rode Ridder #257 De onmogelijke opdracht – Comic Book Review

After leaving the frozen castle behind and with it the desperate rituals of those who inhabit it, Johan and Allis return on their way to see Merlin. Not much has changed, Johan and Allis might have go... Read More »

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De Rode Ridder #256 Het Offer – Comic Book Review

De Rode Ridder #256 Het Offer – Comic Book Review

Last time Johan and Allis were traversing the hard wintery mountaintops, in order to outwit Malfrat, who was still on their trail. While they had their misfortunes along the way, they once again vanqu... Read More »

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Red Rider #3 Het Huis Merlijn – Comic Book Review

Red Rider #3 Het Huis Merlijn – Comic Book Review

In the second issue of Red Rider we saw it end with two of B’hal’s goons surprising Red, beating him up and taking him with him, while Merle was also in the trunk of their car. Unknowingly they pu... Read More »

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Red Rider #2 Teufelsberg – Comic Book Review

Red Rider #2 Teufelsberg – Comic Book Review

Last time we enjoyed the very gritty looking first album of Red Rider, which is pretty much the present day interpretation of the Standaard Uitgeverij’s other series, De Rode Ridder, which revolves ... Read More »

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De Kronieken van Amoras: De Zaak Krimson #2 – Comic Book Review

De Kronieken van Amoras: De Zaak Krimson #2 – Comic Book Review

When the Amoras series was expanding once again, we couldn’t be happier, even though this spin-off of the spin-off revolves around the antagonist Krimson, before the events of Amoras occurred. Nonet... Read More »

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Red Rider #1 De Zevende Scherf – Comic Book Review

Red Rider #1 De Zevende Scherf – Comic Book Review

The Standaard Uitgeverij is known for many Belgian classic series, which have been going on for years and years on end, but sometimes it’s fun to take what we know and transform it into something br... Read More »

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Wolverine #010 – Comic Book Review

Wolverine #010 – Comic Book Review

Even though the ninth omnibus of the Wolverine series didn’t immediately give us the impression that the end was nigh, it’s finally time for the conclusive part of the series revolving around the ... Read More »

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Wolverine #009 – Comic Book Review

Wolverine #009 – Comic Book Review

The mysterious orb that is in Sabretooth’s possession is a device that can reshape the world into something cruel, if Sabretooth desires it so. The orb itself has called upon many doppelgangers from... Read More »

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The Superior Spider-Man #011 – Comic Book Review

The Superior Spider-Man #011 – Comic Book Review

You may have noticed that we’ve been wrapping up several of our Marvel omnibus reviews, simply because the Dutch translations are reaching their end. These bundles have been rather fun to wade throu... Read More »

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The Superior Spider-Man #010 – Comic Book Review

The Superior Spider-Man #010 – Comic Book Review

Last time, Doc Ock had a run-in with Venom, or at least its host, who was immediately seen as a threat by the nefarious professor. The previous omnibus then concluded with Dr. Octopus extracting the p... Read More »

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