Jagged Alliance: Rage!

Jagged Alliance 3 is aiming to be a worthy successor

Jagged Alliance 3 is aiming to be a worthy successor

Many games that we grew up with are now seeing either remakes or remasters, while others get an entire reboot of the franchise. This doesn’t always work out as intended. You might remember the botch... Read More »

Jagged Alliance: Rage!’s release date has been moved to December 6!

Jagged Alliance: Rage!’s release date has been moved to December 6!

Jagged Alliance: Rage! will now be brought to you by Saint Nick. Coming on PC, PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One the game will still be on time for the holidays! Jagged Alliance: Rage! is a spin-off from... Read More »

Jagged Alliance: Rage! Announces release dates

Jagged Alliance: Rage! Announces release dates

Mercenary tactic game Jagged Alliance: Rage! will be available on September 27th for PC and November 6th for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Get ready for a demanding turn-based strategy game, where your ... Read More »