
Diablo IV: Season 2 – Season of Blood

Diablo IV: Season 2 – Season of Blood

Let’s be honest, Diablo IV wasn’t as good as many gamers hoped for. While the overall premise and atmosphere very much dragged us in, it was the level scaling, the endless grinding, and th... Read More »

Making the Diablo IV Soundtrack

Making the Diablo IV Soundtrack

The world of Diablo IV is a dark and treacherous place, where players navigate through a sinister landscape filled with demonic forces and twisted horrors. One of the key elements that allow players t... Read More »


Diablo Immortal Closed Beta Launches Today!

The next testing phase, the Diablo Immortal Closed Beta, begins today! As with previous Diablo Immortal public tests, the Closed Beta will only be available on Android and in select regions where a li... Read More »

Borderlands Science launched today on Borderlands 3

Borderlands Science launched today on Borderlands 3

Today, Borderlands Science has launched in Borderlands 3, which is a minigame that lets you solve puzzles that are based on the trillions of microbes in the human gut. By using the massive community o... Read More »

Diablo 4 revealed at BlizzCon. Watch the gameplay trailer here

Diablo 4 revealed at BlizzCon. Watch the gameplay trailer here

The wait is over for true friends. No more memes about ”don’t you guys have phones?” involving mobile versions of popular games, but a real sequel to the Diablo series, adding number... Read More »

Salt and Sanctuary – Review

Salt and Sanctuary – Review

With the rise of the Dark Souls games, it was clear that gamers longed for the days when games were still tough as nails, you weren’t held by the hand from start to finish, and a thick plot wasn’t... Read More »

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