
Video Games Live, City Theatre Antwerp, Belgium – Review

Video Games Live, City Theatre Antwerp, Belgium – Review

Videogame music, tunes that are often so catchy that one simply is unable to forget them. Some are a symbol for one’s youth, whilst others are packed with so many emotions that certain important sce... Read More »

Skyrim Legendary Edition

Skyrim Legendary Edition

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a massive game and I mean massive, one play through alone can put you back over 100 hours. Add in the DLC that Bethesda have released for the game and you’re looki... Read More »

Tropical Skyrim

Tropical Skyrim

If you have a gaming PC and you’re still running around Skyrim or you wish you had a reason to travel back to Tamriel then the Tropical Skyrim mod might be just the thing that prompts you to jum... Read More »

Skyrim DLC coming to the PS3

Skyrim DLC coming to the PS3

Skyrim is a great game at least for those playing it on the PC and 360 for the duders that went and bought the latest installment in the Elder Scrolls game on the PS3 it has been, well less than stell... Read More »

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