Thomas Du Caju

De Kiekeboes #150 K4 – Comic Book Review

De Kiekeboes #150 K4 – Comic Book Review

The Kiekeboes have made it to their 150th album, which is quite an achievement, and of course it can’t go by unnoticed. Merho, their creator, but also the family themselves have noticed that there i... Read More »

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Little England #1 Ruby – Comic Book Review

Little England #1 Ruby – Comic Book Review

The First and Second World War have always been popular settings for comic books, be them old or brand new. Even though there have been so many before, comic book writers still seem to find interestin... Read More »

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De Kiekeboes #148 Nepwerk – Comic Book Review

De Kiekeboes #148 Nepwerk – Comic Book Review

The Kiekeboes are ready for a new adventure. Fanny meets the charming tennis coach Wout Bos, while Marcel becomes senior manager supplies and logistics of the European branch of Ninix, a new cheap spo... Read More »

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De Kiekeboes #147 Gebroken Zwart – Comic Book Review

De Kiekeboes #147 Gebroken Zwart – Comic Book Review

The Kiekeboes have been around for years, and while we thought comic book characters such as them could never change (or age, for that matter), the opposite seems to be the case in this new release. F... Read More »

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De Kiekeboes #145 Wie A Zegt – Comic Book Review

De Kiekeboes #145 Wie A Zegt – Comic Book Review

The Kiekeboes are ready for a new adventure and while often they have to travel far away to solve a crime, this time the story is set in Antwerp. There too, there are criminals that have to be stopped... Read More »

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