The Bear Clan presents its first cast members

The Bear Clan takes place thousands of years before the Iron Age conquered the areas of Northern Europe. Back then there was a time when people lived peacefully in harmony with Nature. Their heroes and heroines were seekers of knowledge and wisdom. Their communities were free of any suppressing hierarchies and there were no all-powerful gods. The same Cosmic Laws of life guided humans, Nature and the heavenly bodies alike. Women and men were equally powerful, supporting one another and according to ancient myth, the magic Sampo produced all good things for everyone. The Kalevala heritage, an age-old Finnish poem-singing tradition, still carries memories from that mythical Golden Age.
At the Cannes Film Festival, the actors that have become part of The Bear Clan have also been announced:
- Jon Campling (Sleeping Dogs, Jonathan Creek, The Healer)
- Henry Douthwaite (Aux, Hi-Lo Joe, Sweetboy)
- Jon Mack (Saw VI, Playing for Keeps, Spiders 3D, Blunt Force Trauma
- Steve McTigue (Return of the Don, Retribution)
- Elena Sirina (Salome, Return of the Don)
- Andrea Sweeney (Katie Fforde: Martha tanzt, The Trophy Case, Empty Room, The Santa Clause 3)
An interview with the cast has also been released which can be watched by clicking here.
The Bear Clan presents its first cast members,
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