The Evil Within 2 – Experience the horror through Sebastian’s eyes!

The Evil Within 2 is horrifying and as if the game wasn’t scary enough as is; you can now play the entire game in first-person. There was a free update to the game that added this feature on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
“A lot of players love to experience horror games in first-person, so for everyone that wants to see several situations trough Sebastian’s eyes, then this is the perfect occasion,” says Shinsaku Ohara producer at Tango Gameworks. “Discovering Union in first-person makes the environment feel even bigger than when playing in third-person. You will also be able to look at the enemies much closer and notice how much time and effort were spent on the details.”
If you’re interested in immersing yourself more in The Evil Within 2 with the first-person view than it is as simple as changing a setting in the menu. This can be changed throughout the game so you can experience the game as you wish. If you don’t have the Evil Within 2 yet then you can download the demo and play the first chapters of the game, where the first-person is also available. When you decide to buy the game later your progress just gets transferred over.
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