Director: David Yates
Distributor: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Duration: 109 minutes
The Legend of Tarzan (Blu-ray) – Movie Review
Back in July we saw the rerelease of the Tarzan animated series that originally aired in 1976, probably as a preparation for the current new movie revolving around the franchise. This time however we aren’t treated to a complete reboot that revolves around Tarzan’s origin story, even though it is neatly handled in the movie, it’s actually what happens after he has returned to the ‘normal’ world, and has to go back to the wilderness once again. We were quite curious to see how this reimagination of such a legendary character would turn out.
We have to forget about all of our technology for a moment when we head back in time to 1889, to a period where Belgium was tightening the reigns in Congo, simply to gain more money, and hopefully more power. King Leopold II’s money was running out, and thus he sent out his trusted underling Leon Rom (Christoph Waltz) in order to find the legendary lost city of Opar, which is rumored to be filled with diamonds. While he finds a clear indication of the city and its wealth, it’s being guarded by chief Mbonga (Djimon Hounsou) and his fearsome warriors. Nonetheless, the chief promises Leon the wealth he is looking for, if he can bring him Tarzan (Alexander Skarsgård).
Back in London John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, who used to be known as Tarzan, is enjoying a peaceful life together with Jane (Margot Robbie), until he receives an invitation from king Leopold II, to visit Africa to see all of his charity work for the indigenous people. Even though this place has been John’s home for practically his entire life, as well as Jane’s, he initially declines, until Dr. Williams (Samuel L. Jackson) convinces him to accept the offer, simply to find proof that not everything being done by the Belgian government is kosher. John reluctantly lets Jane tag along, both being very aware of the dangers that lurk in the shadows back at their ‘old home’, making them disembark from their boats before reaching the port. From here on out it’ll be a dangerous trip when wading through the jungle, while avoiding those who are out for his head.
Even though the movie doesn’t dive into things right off the bat, the pacing is quite nice. You’ll be treated to sufficient information about Tarzan’s new living situation, or at least where he ended up after his rowdy life in the jungle. From here on out, it’s an alternation of information and action, to make sure you’ll be entertained throughout the entire movie. Even though the story value might feel a bit slim at times, the overall concept is worked out quite well.
Acting performances are quite solid, especially when taking a closer look at the leading quartet of this movie. Margot Robbie does a formidable job in playing the happy-go-lucky adventurous wife of Tarzan, while Alexander Skarsgård pins down the character of Tarzan, who has had a proper taste of the human world. A surprising co-star is Samuel L. Jackson’s role in this movie, as it was hardly promoted when the movie itself came out in theatres. Last but not least, Christoph Waltz does play a somewhat similar role as he did in Inglorious Bastards, but still he tackles his new villainous role suitably.
Those looking for special features on this Blu-ray release will be pleased to hear that there is more than enough content to prolong your Tarzan experience. Items in the extras section range from the thought behind this continuation of the Tarzan series, but also nifty fight choreographies, the techniques used behind creating the jungle, the sceneries and the many animals, and you’ll also get to see a bit of enlightening content of the love story between Tarzan and Jane. Overall this is one of those physical releases that comes with ample interesting content, making it worth your while.
Tossing aside the clear mismanagement of Belgium concerning Congo, Tarzan provides an exciting tale about certain dark historic events, love and respect for mother nature. You’ll be treated to a lengthy film with proper pacing and a fairly successful reinterpretation of the story of Tarzan. If you’re looking for an interesting plot that situates itself after the Tarzan storyline we’ve come to know and love, this one might be a proper suggestion.
The Legend of Tarzan (Blu-ray) - Movie Review,
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