The Perfect Pencil gets a demo

The Perfect Pencil gets a demo

Studio Cima’s The Perfect Pencil is still quite some time away from launching, but the developer has made an exciting announcement regarding the upcoming psychological platformer today. The game will have a playable demo at Steam’s “Going Rogue: A Festival of Persistence”, ahead of its arrival on PC and Steam in early 2023. If you haven’t heard about The Perfect Pencil before, the game is a narrative-focused platformer set in a strange world filled with perilous paths and unsettling creatures.

The game takes inspiration from games like Hollow Knight and Earthbound for its combat and gameplay elements, while the psychological depth of the characters is reminiscent of Celeste. All of this is presented in a beautiful hand-drawn art style. Players can expect to be challenged to comprehend and face uncomfortable situations that stem from their fears and anxieties – a topic very much in the zeitgeist of today – as part of a wholly engaging experience. If that doesn’t sound appealing already, then take a look at the trailer below to see if this game is up your alley.

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