Warcraft III: Reforged releases in January

Today, Blizzard has announced the release date of Warcraft III: Reforged. The game will be available from January 29 next year. It will include the original Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its award-winning expansion The Frozen Throne. The game will feature seven single-player campaigns spanning over sixty mission with a top-to-bottom graphics and audio overhaul and a full suite of contemporary matchmaking features via Blizzard’s Battle.net online gaming service.
Warcraft III: Reforged is now available for digital pre-purchase on the Blizzard Shop. There are two versions to purchase in the store, the Standard edition and the Spoils of War edition, which will include unique hero skins for Arthas, Cenarius, Jaina and Thrall. Also included is a host of in-game bonuses for other Blizzard games that will unlock immediately upon pre-purchase, such as the gruesome Meat Wagon mount for World of Warcraft, the Third War cardback for Hearthstone, the Mal’Ganis pet for Diablo III and more.
An overview of all the bonuses in the Spoils of War edition can be checked out in this blog.
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