Which paid subscription MMO RPGs you should try

Not many games in today’s industry offer a paid subscription distribution model. This has its pros and cons. The downside is to reduce the maximum number of players who could potentially play with you on servers, but the upside will be the natural screening of players in favor of motivation – after all, you have to pay honestly earned money for the game.

Fortunately, the games in our top offer to try out their projects for free up to level 20 and buy a subscription if you like everything in the game.

World of Warcraft Dragonflight

The new update of the world of Azeroth brought new territories for dragons, a new race and classes to WoW, an update of the profession system – Blizzard again made all types of craft relevant as a way to earn money and saturate servers with useful items.

Players will be able to choose one of two warring factions – the Horde or the Alliance – and start their journey in one of the capitals of the two kingdoms.

Blizzard does not limit your progression, and you can play any previously released update and upgrade your levels there until you reach level 60, then the current Dragonflight update will take effect.

You’ll be able to explore the character’s storyline until the next update and set off to explore all four islands, each with a different kind of dragon. Help researchers learn the history of their ancestors, level up and earn gold, and if you don’t want to farm, you can always buy WoW Gold on a special site and go to participate in PVP battles.

PVP, by the way, can be found everywhere, after level 20. Players of the warring factions will increasingly intersect in the game locations and will naturally fight each other.

By the way, World of Warcraft rewards the brave and for killing an enemy character you will receive special PVP coins that can be exchanged for good equipment with enhanced performance in battles with other players.

For players who, on the contrary, are looking for harmony in the game, or farming as a means of relaxation and gradual development, a system of professions is implemented in the game.

There are many professions, but you can choose to develop only two, and there are three separate professions available to everyone.


  • Mining – mine rocks, get ore and gems.
  • Collecting herbs – collect herbs and plants.
  • Skinning – Skin slaughtered animals.
  • Weaving – Search monsters for cloth items.


  • Blacksmithing – craft weapons, armor and tools from metals.
  • Alchemist – the creation of potions and potions with attacking and auxiliary potential.
  • Leatherworking – Transform hides into leather and create light armor.
  • Tailoring – use thread and patches to create robes and other clothing.

Each profession from the creating section has its own specialization – this means the master goes deep into the study of his path and becomes a real expert, which will allow him to create high-quality and masterpiece equipment.

Three additional professions:

  • Fishing – fish in water bodies, sometimes you will come across unique waterfowl that can be turned into reagents and sold. Fish is needed for cooking.
  • Cooking – cook meals for yourself, or create feasts. Food increases the characteristics of the characters for a certain period of time. The higher the skill of the cook, the stronger the effect and longer.
  • Archeology – Explore the lands of Azeroth for rare rewards. Which can be sold to collectors.

Final Fantasy 14

An MMO with a rich history familiar to all console owners.

The project in some way became a direct competitor to World of Warcraft – taking as a basis and finalizing many game mechanics, not forgetting to take a paid subscription.

Players are waiting for a large quest storyline with a length of more than 100 hours, where the game character plays a primary role in all game films, creating the effect of influencing the development of the game plot.

In FF 14, characters familiar to fans of the series will meet, and some of them will even receive the completion of their story, despite existing in the game universe for more than 10 years.

Unlike WoW, all activities and professions in Final Fantasy 14 are not monotonous, but in the form of mini-games. So, in order to successfully process rock and get ore for ingots, you need to do several things correctly, otherwise failure will occur.

For recreation and exploration of the world in FF 14 there is a system of flights – moving around the world in a free version after completing the quest Acquaintance with Flights.

Of the activities, players can go to the casino and exchange gils for special chips, play slot machines, mahjong and a game against the boss to take off. For fashionistas and fashionistas, there is a fashion show in which you can take part or just watch.

In the game, you can buy your house and equip it with furniture, get married, or just sit in the town square and play your favorite instrument – FF 14 supports a note system, and you can easily play any popular song by simply repeating the musical scale.

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Aspiring ninja.

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