Xbox Game Pass – Newest games announced!
The games that will be available with Xbox Game Pass have been announced!
On the console, Xbox Game Pass holders will be able to enjoy the graphically amazing Final Fantasy XV and Wolfenstein: Youngblood with the Nazi-killing sisters from the 6th of February. From the 13th of February, you can enjoy the couch co-op game, Death Squared. All three of these games we’ve actually reviewed before, so if you want to see what you can expect you can check them out here, Final Fantasy XV, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, and Death Squared.
For the Xbox Game Pass holders who also play on the PC, there are also 3 games available. Final Fantasy XV and Wolfenstein: Youngblood are coincidentally also available on PC. The only game available that is different from the console ones, is the 2D action-platformer, Death’s Gambit.
From the 14th till the 16th of February Xbox Game Pass holders can celebrate the valentine’s weekend with the closed beta of Bleeding Edge. There is also an Ark valentine’s event where you can make couples from tame dinosaurs and earn a bunch of chocolate.
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