GAMDIAS APOLLO – Hardware Review
GAMDIAS, the brand that bases the names of their products on the names of the ancient gods, now presents us with the APOLLO. A god once known for his many different talents such as art and archery. Will the APOLLO prove to be a masterpiece that never misses its mark?
After unboxing the mouse it immediately comes clear that the APOLLO proves to be another great design piece by GAMDIAS. The APOLLO itself is a lot smaller than any conventional mouse on the market, which gives it more the size of the smaller laptop mice that were quite popular some years ago. The mouse itself is designed for right handed as well as left handed gamers and thus its button lay-out is symmetrical. The APOLLO has a matte finish, which looks quite nice in combination with the bright LED lighted logo on the backside of the mouse. Keep in mind that the matte exterior may look great it also tends to stain more easily than a conventional plastic mouse. (A cloth for cleaning glasses works like a charm though.) A fun extra is the ability to change the mouse’s appearance by adding the extra shell, which gives a totally different look, as well as enlarges the mouse.
The shell that can easily be added on to the mouse, is a fun option for gamers with bigger hands. You can simply add the exterior by clicking it on the smaller body of the APOLLO and removing it proves to be just as easy. The shell itself is made from plastic and feels a bit rougher than the rest of the APOLLO. There’s not much extra weight added to the original lightness of the mouse with the shell, seeing it’s a hollow add-on and thus you’ll not experience any discomfort concerning heaviness.
Concerning the comfort factor, you’ll be gripping it more with your hand formed as a claw, seeing you can’t rest the palm of your hand on the entire body of the mouse. You’ll be able to rest slightly on the curve, where the logo finds itself. Whilst this might not sound very comfortable, it actually is a very comfortable device to use. Even when playing for longer periods of time, the mouse proved to be comfortable.
Button lay-out is fairly simple, you’ll have two extra buttons on the side of the APOLLO which can be customized to serve to do whatever you wish. Both extra buttons are fairly easy to reach, seeing the mouse is quite slim.
The extra button on the left side is programmed as a ‘quickfire’ button and thus this ‘macro’ will allow you to perform quick attacks in a row. For example you can hold down the button to use your pistol more rapidly, instead of having to click over and over again. A simple feature but for those hardcore shooters out there it’s probably a very appreciated feature. Of course, if you don’t use this function, you can easily assign another function to this button.
Other than the ZEUS and the HADES, the APOLLO has a dpi range of 3200, which is a tad more on the modest side. Of course, for most games a range of 3200 will be sufficient. The DPI settings can also be arranged, up to 5 settings per profile. The APOLLO can save up to five different profiles, which creates enough chances to fine tune your mouse.
As with all of GAMDIAS’ products you’ll only need to install one program to be able to fine tune all of their products (if you have more than one). The software will allow you to arrange all of the settings for your different profiles, such as luminance settings, dpi settings, button configuration and much more. Keep in mind, the mouse does not have a key assigned to either switch the profile or switch the dpi settings, this can prove to be useful to arrange immediately if you tend to switch a lot.
Own opinion
GAMDIAS’ APOLLO took a short while getting used to, with all the bigger gaming mice on the market today. The small exterior proved to be a fun change of pace and a lot more comfortable than you’d expect from such a small device. Overall the light weight proved to be very pleasant and it went hand in hand with the compact size.
The exterior shell is a fun add-on for those who wish to add some size to the otherwise small APOLLO. That being said, the strength of the APOLLO lies in its small and compact size, which offers something else than most other gaming brands. You’ll have a fun small mouse to bring with you when gaming on another location or a perfect gaming device for those with smaller hands.
GAMDIAS once again shows us that they are highly capable of making great gaming hardware. Even though the APOLLO has a more limited options scheme than the ZEUS or the HADES, the price is also very accessible for those with a smaller budget. The comfort this small device brings is not to be underestimated either. In short: Small but plucky!
GAMDIAS APOLLO - Hardware Review,1 Comment
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I LOVE my mouse ^^