Calamity, an Animated Movie
Cinéart presents a new animated movie that depicts the early life of Jane Calamity, a frontierswoman best known for her adventures during the 2nd frontier in the 1850s. The animated movie describes the hardships and adventures of young Jane during times where many families would travel west of the country in search of a better life. During one such journey, her father gets injured and all weight is put on Jane’s shoulders, who was only 12 at that time. During this time period, women were considered as second-class citizens, and a man’s job was only a man’s job, thus women were still seen as the weaker gender.
Being a proper daredevil, Jane still made her breakthrough and left her mark in history. The movie is only 82 minutes and is set to release at the end of March. Currently, the movie is dubbed in two languages, them being Dutch and French. Possible other dubs would be available later in the year.
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