Check out Sam Brace’s solo debut ‘Panic’, right here!

If you’re a regular reader over here at 3rd-strike, you’ll know that each and every one of our writing staff is passionate about video games, and that we aim to deliver not just your daily dose of news but also our honest and unbiased reviews. Of course, the PR department for video games doesn’t just stop with reviewers. There are hundreds of passionate individuals that care about making sure you know whether that game you’re eyeing up is right for you. One of those individuals is Sam Brace, who has been working in video game PR for about two decades now.
He’s also a talented musician -some of you may know him as the guitarist for Skinny Lister- and the covid situation has given him the opportunity to work on his debut single ‘Panic’. This single launched over the weekend across all streaming services, and is also available as a limited edition 7” vinyl, courtesy of Stay Free Records. We usually don’t provide this kind of news coverage, but we only felt it appropriate to share Sam’s passion with our loyal readers; so we’ve got the music video below. We highly recommend you check out this awesome song. If you like it, make sure to keep an eye on Sam’s official website as he has a full album coming next year. (And seriously, how cool is that Killer7/Cyberpunk2077/Blade Runner-inspired cover art?)
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