Cuisine Royale Shooter Levels Up and Transforms into CRSED: F.O.A.D.

Gaijin Entertainment and Darkflow Software announce that Cuisine Royale has received a huge update that has turned the brutal online shooter into a new game. Players get two new Champions – a voodoo practitioner from Haiti and a child of nature from Korea, a huge new map “Island of Siberia” and the revamped progression and equipment system. The update brings a lot of new content and features, like motorboats, shooting from moving vehicles, flamethrowers and mortars. The changes are so significant that the game will be changing its title and will be known from now on as CRSED: F.O.A.D. This stands for Cuisine Royale Second Edition: Fulfillment of All Desires – where F.O.A.D. is the name of the tournament that the game characters are fighting in (though some of the Champions read this acronym differently).
While readily available for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, versions for next-gen PS5 and Xbox Series X|S are ready and soon to be released, as soon as platform holder approval comes through.
The updates include a new system of free character rotation that allows players to try most of the Champions before choosing someone to focus on. Special character effects that influence the gameplay are now separated from the clothing pieces and are equipped independently. This allows the players to customize their character’s looks as creatively as possible without sacrificing battle efficiency. Two new types of mystical powers have been added to the game, which are equippable cooldown-based abilities and crafted hex bags (i.e. zombie-summoning grenades). Finally, the new battle pass system allows players to get cosmetic items, hex bag recipes, mystical scrolls, unique traps and rituals, summoning stones and other rewards by completing the pass tasks.
The full list of changes is available at the new official CRSED: F.O.A.D. website:
So prepare yourself, get ready, gear up and dive into the fray in this brutal online shooter featuring melee weapons, firearms, magic rituals, supernatural powers and a great dose of humor. Fight on the most picturesque corners of earth against the odds and be the last man standing.
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