Explore the Aladission Empire in Atelier Yumia

Explore the Aladission Empire in Atelier Yumia

Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land, the newest entry into the Atelier-franchise, has seen some more information revealed, including a game system overview trailer. In Atelier Yumia players freely explore the continent of Aladiss, a nation that once thrived thanks to Alchemy but has now banned its practice, in search of ‘memory vials’. These vials contain remnants of the past and help uncover the mysteries behind the catastrophe that destroyed the once great nation of Aladiss. Together with her various companions Yumia wanders around the continents, exploring dungeons and ruins in search of treasure.

The game system overview trailer also introduced ‘Energy’ which will help keep you alive during your travels by reducing fall damage and as a resource for synthesis, which was also covered in the trailer. We also get a glimpse of ‘Manabound Areas’ which are especially dangerous zones where Energy is passively drained while you traverse them. This makes managing your Energy a crucial part of exploration. Lastly Energy, as well as the items you find during your travels can be used to enhance your items to make combat easier. When you do not go out to explore you can relax with your comrades at camp or design and decorate your homebase.

Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land will be the first game in the Atelier-franchise to be available for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S on top of being available for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation5, PlayStation4, and on Windows through Steam. Besides a standard edition, Atelier Yumia will also have a PREMIUM BOX edition which features plenty of goodies and will only be available through NIS America. Buying any version of the game up to two weeks after release will give you early purchase costumes and equipment.

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