Fell Seal – steals your heart?

We at 3rd-Strike can imagine that it’s quite hard to produce a game with your significant other without getting sick of each other. That’s not how 6 eyes studio operates however. After two years of working as a team they are ready to announce their brainchild; Fell Seal.
Being released for kickstarter backing, Fell Seal is an isometric tactical RPG that focuses on solid gameplay, and a compelling story. With its original soundtrack and beautiful 2D sprites, it is sure to capture the imagination of old school Final Fantasy lovers and players who are new to the genre. An intricate class system will also provide numerous hours of gameplay and the improvements on existing systems will challenge new and old tactics players alike.
You can find out more about Fell Seal at https://www.fellseal.com/
Fell Seal - steals your heart?,
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