Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward opening cinematic revealed

Producent and director Noaki Yoshida presented the 20th part of the “Letter from the Producer LIVE-series” last weekend, where he also spoke of the expected Final Fantasy XIV’s expansion Heavensward.
The event started with the opening cinematic of Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward which bridges the end of A Realm Reborn and the beginning of Heavensward. Yoshida was accompanied by guest of honor Kazuyuki Ikumori, the Chief Creative Director of the Visual Works Division.
During the presentation, Yoshida explained many new functions and changes players will experience in Heavensward such as the increase of the maximum level, the introduction of new job actions, new gameplay systems for Disciples of the Hand and Land-classes as well as the debut of the high-end raid dungeon Alexander.
While the presentation started with the opening cinematic, another video was shown namely Final Fantasy XIV Flames of Truth which combines the opening of Final Fantaxy XIV: A Realm Reborn with a CG-video that was only shown to adventurers who defeated a specific end boss in the high-level raid Final Coil of Bahamut. I will not spoil whatever this video reveals, you’ll simply have to watch it yourself.
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