Historically correct gangster film Last Kings of London announced

Historically correct gangster film Last Kings of London announced

Interest in gangster history across the globe has always fluctuated. Right now the interest in organised crime empires ruling the streets of Boston, New York, London and other major cities has peaked due to the success of the biographic film Legend which tells the tale of the most notorious criminals in British history, the identical twin gangsters Kray.

We all know that movies don’t often depict the true aspects of these organised crime empires. In fact, true events are far less glamorous than on the big screen and people whose involvement were integral to the story were either cramped into one single identity or completely discarded. Spice Factory and the recently-founded Epic Movie Productions want to change this view and depict the cold, harsh reality by basing their new film, Last Kings of London, on Eddie Richardson’s acclaimed book “My Last Word – My Life as a Gangland Boss”. To make sure that this film doesn’t lose its true-to-history footing, the studio will be consulted by ex-mobsters who were involved in the shady on-goings of 1960s-1970s era London, aside from being put straight by the mobster-turned-artist Eddie Richardson.

Epic Movie Productions’ CEO Robert Stushki is convinced that this bold move will result into a historically correct film that is every bit engrossing as any gangster pic out there. We cannot provide you with more information as the Last Kings of London is currently getting ready to start pre-production but the concept is more than welcome to join the ever-increasing ranks of gangster-inspired libraries of films and video games.

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Historically correct gangster film Last Kings of London announced, 10.0 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

Hi! I'm Jess and Iā€™m a writer, dreamer and gamer at heart since the early ages. I primarily game on PC but occasionally also on PS4 and Xbox One. I have a tiny obsession for World of Warcraft and caterpillars but you may also claim I have a devoted passion for the gaming industry in general. If you want to hit me up, find me on twitter!

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  1. […] You can find more info on the gangster film Last Kings of London right here. […]

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