HITMAN 2 Elusive Target 4 – The Politician available as of today

HITMAN 2 Elusive Target 4 – The Politician available as of today

If you failed at any of the three previous Elusive Target missions, you’ll be thrilled to see you will have another shot! The fourth Elusive Target mission has been released, this time you’ll be facing The Politician. Dame Barbara Elizabeth Keating is an unhonourable Minister of Trade and Foreign Affairs of New-Zealand. After discovering her part in a serious fraud case, she was forced to resign but The Politician is trying to re-establish her position. There is some suspicion that she is working with a doppelgänger to protect herself during public appearances, but you’ll find out soon enough. Agent 47, you have ten days to complete the mission.

Whilst completing this contract does not offer you a direct unlock, it will count towards your progress for unlocking the SA Suits and Completion Suits. Additionally, all players are given the chance to unlock the alternate version of the Hawke’s Bay default starting suit; the Tactical Wetsuit. It is time to travel to Hawke’s Bay. Good luck, Agent 47.


Mission Intelligence

Elusive Target: The Politican
Location: Hawke’s Bay
Target: Dame Barbara Elizabeth Keating
Objective: Eliminate Dame Barbara. (There are no special conditions for this contract.)
Duration: Starts March 8th for 10 days. Ends March 18.

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Hi! I'm Jess and I’m a writer, dreamer and gamer at heart since the early ages. I primarily game on PC but occasionally also on PS4 and Xbox One. I have a tiny obsession for World of Warcraft and caterpillars but you may also claim I have a devoted passion for the gaming industry in general. If you want to hit me up, find me on twitter!

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