Director: Jeff Wamester
Distributor: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Duration: 89 minutes
Justice League: Warworld (Blu-ray) – Movie Review
It’s no secret that we love most of the DC animated movies, as they truly bring the comic books to life. We have seen many different stories, some original, and others adaptations of famous comic book stories. Now, we’ll be taking a look at Justice League: Warworld, which gives a spin to the Warworld story and presents viewers with an original DC adventure. While the movie struggled a bit with its overall pacing, we still quite enjoyed it.
The story starts off with a Wild West storyline that revolves around Wonder Woman (Stana Katic). This story where she’s a traveling gunfighter is seemingly taking place in an alternate reality. Wonder Woman is currently helping out a band of lawmen and civilians to survive the onslaught of a band of robbers. The story remains shallow and this is simply the first of several stories. You’ll also get an individual Batman story and one that revolves around Superman, all in different settings and/or dimensions. The overall offset was rather interesting, but it did take us a short while to get into.
Justice League: Warworld does struggle with its overall pacing and flow. The individual stories that unfold with different members of the Justice League in the lead are fairly intriguing, but again it feels like something is missing. The latter could be somewhat intentional, except it didn’t really create a pleasant viewing experience at times. In all honesty, we felt as if the overarching story only got going during the last twenty minutes of the film, which also feels like a shame. Warworld does manage to keep you in the dark, which is great for viewers who like to be surprised. Even so, we did feel like there were quite a few moments in the film that could have been slightly more entertaining.
The voice acting in the movie is superbly handled. The voices remind us of a lot of 90s DC animated features, and it’s clear that Warner Bros values picking the right actors for the job at hand. Jensen Ackles gives Batman his own spin, while also still sounding like a homage to Kevin Conroy’s Batman we have all come to know and love. Darren Criss is a convincing Superman and Stana Katic puts down a wonderful performance as Wonder Woman. Supporting roles are also handled with grace, and we see big stars such as Troy Baker, Ike Amadi, Matt Bomer, John DiMaggio, and many more bringing their respective characters to life.
The Blu-ray version of Warworld comes with roughly fifteen minutes of bonus content. The two features on the disc will mainly revolve around the creative process that went on behind the scenes. You’ll get to learn a bit more about certain story decisions and how the Warworld story was adapted for this animated feature, turning it into an original take on a well-known DC adventure. We would have perhaps loved a bit more in terms of special content, but what we got here was still quite nice.
Justice League: Warworld is an interesting take on the Warworld story, but the flow and pacing weren’t always on point. Nonetheless, the quality of the animations, the overall storytelling, and the voice acting were great. With the cliffhanger at the end of this one, it’s clear that a new movie will follow in the future, and we do hope some of the kinks will be ironed out in the sequel. That being said, if you’re a fan of the DC animated movies, this one is certainly still worth a watch.
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