Reventure Orbtale starts its Kickstarter adventure!

Reventure Orbtale starts its Kickstarter adventure!

Although it is currently not that ideal to be playing tabletop games with your friends in this current pandemic, Reventure Orbtale is gaining a lot of attention. Luckily, with the vaccine campaign blasting at full speed, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Indie studio Pixelatto now wants to create a mighty new adventure for their indie hit Reventure. The board game is claimed to be lightning-fast fun with up to four friends in the Reventure universe.

The goal with the Kickstarter campaign is to get $20000, with a basic pledge of $24 to get a physical copy of the game shipped to you with the Dragon’s Loot booster pack. The developers also promised that thanks to the 1000 Kickstarter followers, if they reach the funding goal within 48 hours, that a new exclusive character will join the lineup: The Legend.

Key features include:

  • A simultaneous turn-based system, which eliminates waiting times between turns.
  • An easy “rock-paper-scissors” combat mechanic to ease the learning curve.
  • Automatic resurrection mechanics so no one is left out of the game.
  • Fast-paced and frantic playthroughs that last approximately 30 minutes.
  • Made with Card Creator, a card creation software developed by Pixelatto.

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Never give up on a dream. It might be a long nightmare, but one day it will change into a beautiful reality - MC_JP 2014

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