Rick and Morty: Seasons 1-4 (Blu-ray) – Series Review
Follow Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Distributor: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Episodes: 41
Duration: 20 min (per episode)

Rick and Morty: Seasons 1-4 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

Site Score
Good: Has a lot more depth than one would suspect, Great story evolution
Bad: A bit too chaotic for some
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Rating: 10.0/10 (1 vote cast)

Even since its initial release in 2013, the Rick and Morty fanbase has been growing. The grandfather and grandson duo have taken the world by storm, and even those unfamiliar with the series will have heard of Pickle Rick, the famous singular-purpose Meeseeks, or even the theme park by the name of Anatomy Park. Even though the series has many goofy and insane events occurring throughout the course of its episodes, many of its loyal viewers truly started loving the series when the red thread that runs through it all became increasingly more important. Rick and Morty is a lot more than a silly show, it actually presents you with some (brutal) life lessons. Courtesy of Warner Bros, we were sent a review copy of the newly released boxset that includes the first four seasons of the series.

We have the habit of discussing how boxsets look and if they add something extra warranting a purchase. The Rick and Morty: Seasons 1-4 box is very simple, as it entails one Blu-ray case, with a few disc trays in it. The outside has a cardboard sleeve around it with a decent front picture and all the information you need on the backside. The actual case is a subtle nod to 2001: a Space Odyssey. As a whole, the boxset isn’t overly bombastic, but the case design does feel like a nice bonus.

There’s little point to delve into the story of Rick and Morty, as it contains many separate short absurd adventures that the iconic duo finds themselves in. In one episode the subject may go from going on alien adventures, whereas the next adventure may involve deeper and meaningful concepts such as family or love. The show messes around with boundaries from start to finish, and that is what makes things charming. The series delves into subjects such as sex, political correctness, violence, and so on.

The flow of the series is quite hard to describe. Sometimes episodes stand perfectly fine on their own, and these are quite fun to experience when you just want to relax. That being said, the series truly shines when it plays with the red thread that runs through it all. Rick and Morty has a lot more depth than one may suspect, and it’s during emotional scenes that the series truly captivates its viewer(s). The series manages to make you laugh out loud, but from time to time, it can almost literally punch you in the gut, making you feel bad, while still clinging to every word that is being spoken. It’s an odd creation this series, as you often simply don’t know how (or what) to feel, but it still draws you in more and more as it progresses.

Even though the story is propelled forward thanks to its good writing, it’s the voice acting that truly lets the characters come to life. The overall quality is superb, ranging from the main voice cast to those doing minor roles for side characters. We loved the somewhat over-the-top voices for many of the show’s characters, and we can only imagine how recording sessions must have looked like for many of these. We also see the main cast handle proper character evolution, where they evolve throughout the show and can even convey opposite feelings of what they normally let us experience.

In terms of special features, you’ll get your buck’s worth. Each season’s disc will include many extras, ranging from basic commentaries, and even guest commentaries, to storyboards, an entire release party, deleted items, and so on. All in all, you’ll have a few hours worth of additional Rick and Morty content to plow through, and this is also a big selling point of a boxset such as this.


If you are a fan of the series, you cannot go wrong with this boxset of the first four seasons. Not only will you get the content neatly bundled in one Blu-ray case, but you’ll also be able to explore some extra content you have probably never seen before. Even though the series is still ongoing and will spawn several more seasons, it’s one of the few times we can actually recommend getting a mid-series boxset, rather than waiting for a complete boxset when the final curtain falls.

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Rating: 10.0/10 (1 vote cast)
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Rick and Morty: Seasons 1-4 (Blu-ray) - Series Review, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Aspiring ninja.


  1. […] splitting their time between family and interdimensional adventures. We have already covered the first four seasons, so why not head over and check it out for […]

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  2. […] of their life or will they drown in a sea of chaos? In the past, we already had a blast watching Seasons 1-4 and last year Season 5 so hopefully, Season 6 will be as funny as the […]

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