Shed some light in the horror title: Bulb Boy

Shed some light in the horror title: Bulb Boy

When games come to consoles, that’s usually when the more powerful and more graphically stronger consoles, like the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One run off with the exclusives or timed exclusives.

Nintendo breaks the chain with Bulb Boy. The game has already been unleashed on PC and handheld devices, but the first console that it will grace is the Nintendo Switch.

The story slowly unfolds as you learn the skills of Bulby. As every hero needs their purpose, yours is to save your Grandpa-raffin and Mothdog. The biggest surprise isn’t the fact that the game has had a very large amount of very positive reviews, but that the development team behind this game is just two people.

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Shed some light in the horror title: Bulb Boy, 9.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

First game ever was Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped, ever since then, gaming has been something that I've gravitated to. Reading's fun but not as interactive. Always up for a bout of online multiplayer. If that multiplayer is co-op. So if you are up for a friendly co-op session, hit me up. Rahenik's the name to search on PSN.

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