Soulblight available on Nintendo Switch now

Soulblight available on Nintendo Switch now

Soulblight is currently available on Nintendo Switch. Imagine instead of trying to work on bettering yourself, you roll with them. This is the case with Soulblight. Every level you start, starts you off with a ‘Taint’. This will unlock a trait, and you’ll draw strength from these. So no grind to get your stats up, just do what the ‘Taint’ says, and you’ll be just fine. On the contrary, doing something that goes against the ‘Taint’ will penalize you. Take for example: ‘Alcoholism’ as ‘Taint’. Being tipsy will help you heaps, but not being drunk will weaken you.

Don’t think this game will be for casual players, because there’s a permadeath mechanic… So your choices have consequences.


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First game ever was Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped, ever since then, gaming has been something that I've gravitated to. Reading's fun but not as interactive. Always up for a bout of online multiplayer. If that multiplayer is co-op. So if you are up for a friendly co-op session, hit me up. Rahenik's the name to search on PSN.

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