
Handheld NAUTIZ X6 – Hardware Review

Handheld NAUTIZ X6 – Hardware Review

We are huge fans of covering fun and original hardware, and we don’t shy away from trying out new items that could be interesting for our readers. We are often surprised by less ‘popular&#... Read More »

Dragon War G4.1 – Hardware Review

Dragon War G4.1 – Hardware Review

We’ve seen many original contraptions when it concerns gaming rigs and often it are the peripherals that stand out the most. We’ve had mice, headsets and keyboards that illuminate the dark with th... Read More »

Tesoro Kuven – Hardware Review

Tesoro Kuven – Hardware Review

It’s been a while since we’ve discussed a bulky headset like the Thrustmaster Y250 or the CM Storm Sonuz. Whilst Thrustmaster’s Headset still reigns supreme as the pilot’s helmet. Today we mig... Read More »

CM Storm Sonuz – Hardware Review

CM Storm Sonuz – Hardware Review

Recently we discussed Thrustmaster’s bulky Y-250 which proved to be a quality item. Today we have the chance to try out another bulky headset this time from Cooler Master, which just happens to ... Read More »