A new fiery hero available for Heroes of the Storm!

A new fiery hero available for Heroes of the Storm!

Blizzard likes to warm our hearts and heat up the battles in the Nexus by adding a veteran firebat called Blaze to the hero roster! Blaze presents itself as a solid ranged tank, being tough and havin... Read More »

Heroes of the Storm – New hero and gameplay updates!

Heroes of the Storm – New hero and gameplay updates!

Heroes of the Storm has a few exciting updates for the holidays. A new hero has been added: Hanzo, he is an acrobatic, long-ranged assassin. As of now, he joins the other heroes including his brother ... Read More »

Kel’Thuzad now available in Heroes of the Storm

Kel’Thuzad now available in Heroes of the Storm

Many have requested that the archlich Kel’Thuzad from the Warcraft universe would be one of the heroes to join the roster of Heroes of the Storm, and now the wait is over! Kel’Thuzad is availabl... Read More »

Heroes of the Storm – Preview

Heroes of the Storm – Preview

Heroes of the Storm is Activision Blizzard’s latest project. Activision Blizzard is known for games like StarCraft, Diablo, World of Warcraft, the Warcraft series and Hearthstone. Now, while MOBA’... Read More »

Heart of the Swarm launch parties

Heart of the Swarm launch parties

As you may or may not know the first expansion to Starcraft 2 is slowly approaching, this expansion will let you take control of the Zerg with their own campaign and I can’t wait. The Zerg are f... Read More »