
The Making of Amoras – Comic Book Review

The Making of Amoras – Comic Book Review

There’s no denying that Amoras, the adult version of Suske and Wiske, created a huge amount of buzz that reached longtime fans, as well as those who were simply looking for an exciting tale. At the ... Read More »

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Captain America #002 – Comic Book Review

Captain America #002 – Comic Book Review

It has been a while since Captain America ended up in a different dimension where life is even tougher than it is in our very own survival of the fittest society. Barren as the lands surrounding Steve... Read More »

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Guardians of the Galaxy #002 – Comic Book Review

Guardians of the Galaxy #002 – Comic Book Review

The buzz around Guardians of the Galaxy remains very much alive, especially with the second movie slowly creeping closer to the theatrical release. Of course, it will only be released in 2017, so weâ€... Read More »

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Thor God of Thunder #002 – Comic Book Review

Thor God of Thunder #002 – Comic Book Review

When we saw the world-weary elderly Thor at the end of the first bundle of De Standaard Uitgeverij, we knew Thor and his fellow Asgardians had suffered a terrible fate by the hands of the God Butcher,... Read More »

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Bakelandt De Collectie #1 – Comic Book Review

Bakelandt De Collectie #1 – Comic Book Review

Belgium has many comic book series that are considered as classics nowadays. While some may still be ongoing, other have (temporarily) ended or have sprouted spin-offs in order to keep the name alive ... Read More »

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Alex #34 Aan de overkant van de Styx – Comic Book Review

Alex #34 Aan de overkant van de Styx – Comic Book Review

Alex is one of those classic series that is still running on to this day. The series saw the light in the 1940’s, but its first album was only released in 1956 and over the course of the years it ha... Read More »

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Lady S #11 De Breuklijn – Comic Book Review

Lady S #11 De Breuklijn – Comic Book Review

Even though codenames such as 007 still evoke that typical secret agent vibe, a name such as Lady S also sounds rather mysterious. Nonetheless, even though the series is still called Lady S, which is ... Read More »

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