Diablo is defeated … or not?

Diablo is defeated … or not?

If people kill Diablo multiple times, the demon should be dead, right? Well, think again. The evil is still lingering and it even gets better when Malthael, the fallen Archangel of Wisdom, returns as... Read More »

Carbine finally puts a price on Wildstar!

Carbine finally puts a price on Wildstar!

Carbine finally puts a price on their new MMO Wildstar! Today Carbine Studios and NC soft finally revealed the business model for their new MMO Wildstar, A system they call C.R.E.D.D., alongside this ... Read More »

Rise of the Triad – Review

Rise of the Triad – Review

What would you do when you and four comrades are stuck on a devilish isle with cultist and evil soldiers? Same as me I guess: kill, kill and kill to get to a phone. Let Rise of the Triad make you reli... Read More »

Site Score
Shadowrun Returns!

Shadowrun Returns!

Shadowrun is a franchise that I have to assume most people aren’t familiar with a pen and paper roleplaying game that made its way onto the SNES in 1993 along with two other self-titled games on... Read More »

The Raven: The Legacy of the Master Thief (part 1) – Review

The Raven: The Legacy of the Master Thief (part 1) – Review

Everyone once wanted to be like Sherlock Holmes and solve mysteries, right? Let The Raven: Legacy of the Master Thief be your guide to take you to a place where you can solve riddles like a real detec... Read More »

Site Score
Capsized – Review

Capsized – Review

Mankind has been wondering if we’re alone in the universe for quite some time now. What if our space program would be a lot more advanced and we’d actually be able to explore the boundaries of spa... Read More »

Site Score
Eryi’s Action – Review

Eryi’s Action – Review

Imagine a world where everything tries to kill you: the floor disappears, your sweet goldfish turns into a piranha and tries to eat you or your neighbour starts to bomb your house. This isn’t possib... Read More »

Site Score
Rambo The Videogame

Rambo The Videogame

Now when I think of Rambo the first thing that pops into my head is Stallone just running through the woods killing a enough people to populate a small city. Unfortunately when I look at this game the... Read More »

Announcement of the LEGO Movie Videogame

Announcement of the LEGO Movie Videogame

As some of us might know, LEGO is taking his first steps into the world of movies. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and TT Games announced the release of The LEGO®  Movie Videogame. The st... Read More »

Viscera Cleanup Detail

Viscera Cleanup Detail

Whether it’s Dead Space, Doom, or Halo we’ve all made our way through our share of corridors blasting away at our foes. Watching them die as their heads explode from a well placed shot to ... Read More »

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