SNIPE! The future of mobile shooting games!

Let’s take a break from all the E3 madness the last couple of days and look at something totally new and never seen before! Did you ever play with NERF guns when you were little? Well, it’s about to go next-gen! SNIPE! is about to change mobile shooting games once and for all. The concept is simple, shoot with snipe darts at your tablet in order to play shooting games, but it’s a bit more complicated than that… Developers XnTouch have developed touch-screen friendly darts, which aren’t even capable to break an egg, so don’t worry about dents or scratches! But how do the darts work? Doesn’t it only work with fingers? No it doesn’t! The dart is made out of electro-conductive spiral design foam and a touchscreen-reactive suction cup which utilizes the “free-falling” mechanism. Basically, when you hit your tablet, the hit is registered and the dart simply falls off! Apps are also in development, the apps range from simple bullseyes you have to shoot to an all out Texas shootout with a friend of yours. Are you hyped yet? Take a look at the screenshots below! But this awesome concept can’t become reality without your help. The project is currently on Kickstarter and its fate is decided by you. Yes, you! Take a look at their website for more information and check out the Kickstarter project in order to contribute!
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