
De Rode Ridder #255 De Heks en Merlijn – Comic Book Review

De Rode Ridder #255 De Heks en Merlijn – Comic Book Review

It’s getting harder and harder to remember how the valiant red knight looked before the series received both a reboot and a complete makeover. Nonetheless, we have enjoyed the past five issues, and ... Read More »

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The Superior Spider-Man #009 – Comic Book Review

The Superior Spider-Man #009 – Comic Book Review

After having dealt with Spider-Man 2099, Octavius continues his plans of creating something extraordinary with Peter’s body, and the life he was messing up due to his chaotic planning. Nonetheless,Â... Read More »

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All New X-Men #009 – Comic Book Review

All New X-Men #009 – Comic Book Review

The time travelling X-men of the past are slowly settling in our present time, and they want to help make the world a better place again, which is proving a rather arduous task. Not only are they stil... Read More »

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Hibakusha – Comic Book Review

Hibakusha – Comic Book Review

Even though the word Hibakusha may sound thrilling and mysterious to us Westerners, it has a rather grim meaning for those living in Japan. Literally translated the word means ‘explosion-affected pe... Read More »

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Captain America #008 – Comic Book Review

Captain America #008 – Comic Book Review

After defeating Iron Nail and his associate Dr. Mindbubble, Steven finds himself completely helpless, as the supers-soldier serum is no longer in his body, which caused him to age rapidly. Now he is a... Read More »

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Wolverine #008 – Comic Book Review

Wolverine #008 – Comic Book Review

Wolverine is still struggling with the fact he has become mortal and lost his healing powers. Nonetheless, he is seeking council with the grim reaper himself, which is supposed to set him on his way a... Read More »

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Guardians of the Galaxy #008 – Comic Book Review

Guardians of the Galaxy #008 – Comic Book Review

In the last few omnibuses from the Standaard Uitgeverij, we’ve seen Rocket get into heaps of trouble, again and again. Nonetheless, he was given a second chance to redeem for his mistakes, by doing ... Read More »

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Thor God of Thunder #008 – Comic Book Review

Thor God of Thunder #008 – Comic Book Review

Thor has been in the midst of an entirely new battle since the seventh omnibus of Thor God of Thunder passed our revue. While the weary god has been in many battles before, he now finds himself in a v... Read More »

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De Rode Ridder #254 De Vuurproef – Comic Book Review

De Rode Ridder #254 De Vuurproef – Comic Book Review

With Johan and Allis finally escaping from the Hellmouth, leaving Malfrat stranded, things seem to be looking up for the duo that is travelling to Merlin, who has big things in store for Allis. Sadly,... Read More »

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Volf: Gold (Amethyst Trilogy Book #2) – Book Review

Volf: Gold (Amethyst Trilogy Book #2) – Book Review

A few weeks ago we dived into the mysterious world of vampires and werewolves again, with the book series ‘Volf’. The first issue revolved around Ekata, a young hybrid vampire-werewolf, who was be... Read More »

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