Lucid Games

Switchblade Battle Pass launches, new support vehicle also added

Switchblade Battle Pass launches, new support vehicle also added

The first Battle Pass for Lucid Games’ Switchblade is now available. With the pass, players of the free-to-play team-based vehicle action MOBA can work through a series of tiers in order to unlo... Read More »

Sundog is entering the arena in Switchblade

Sundog is entering the arena in Switchblade

Ever since Tesla started the electric car hype not a day seems to go by without without some news related to it. Now Switchblade is expanding its lineup of vehicles with Sundog, a car powered by its o... Read More »

New packs released for Switchblade

New packs released for Switchblade

Players of the strategic team-based vehicle MOBA called Switchblade will be glad to hear that developer Lucid Games has released new packs for the game called: Starter, Epic and Legendary. These bundl... Read More »

Switchblade – Preview

Switchblade – Preview

Guns, missiles, destruction and cars. These are just four words in which you can describe the newest game from Lucid Games ltd. After their highly addictive android game ‘Geometry Wars 3’ they ste... Read More »

Fight, race and destroy your peers in Switchblade!

Fight, race and destroy your peers in Switchblade!

Switchblade is a 5v5 arena game featuring… heavily armed Sci-Fi vehicles! Lucid Games has released the Early Access version on Steam and PlayStation 4. Steam users and PS Plus subscribers will e... Read More »