
World Wi-Fi Day 2022: Five tips for better Wi-Fi

World Wi-Fi Day 2022: Five tips for better Wi-Fi

According to estimates from Internet World Stats, approximately 743.6 million Europeans used the Internet in 2021. That’s 88.4 percent of the population. A high percentage compared to the rest o... Read More »

Devolo Magic 2 WiFi 6 Mesh Multiroom Kit – Hardware Review

Devolo Magic 2 WiFi 6 Mesh Multiroom Kit – Hardware Review

Truth be told, we struggled a bit writing the following review. It has nothing to do with the new Magic 2 WiFi 6 Mesh Multiroom Kit being bad, as we pretty much found it the best option available on t... Read More »

Devolo releases new hardware: the Magic 2 WiFi 6 Mesh Kits

Devolo releases new hardware: the Magic 2 WiFi 6 Mesh Kits

With us spending more time at home with our many devices, it can sometimes lead to frustration when our phones, laptops, or tablets don’t have a stable connection in or around the house. To solve th... Read More »

Devolo Magic 2 WiFi 6 Multiroom Kit – Hardware Review

Devolo Magic 2 WiFi 6 Multiroom Kit – Hardware Review

Devolo has provided us with many items in the past that allowed us to boost our WiFi signals or connect our LAN devices to the internet via their powerline solutions. More than often, their kits focus... Read More »


Powerful WiFi from any power socket!

Good WiFi has almost become a basic necessity of life these days. And the more we are at home, the more important WiFi is for video calling, gaming and streaming, even if that happens at the same time... Read More »

Contest: Devolo & Red Bull multiplayer pack! (Benelux)

Contest: Devolo & Red Bull multiplayer pack! (Benelux)

Even though the world is slowly recovering from its global lockdown state, the pandemic is sadly not over yet. While many places are slowly opening up again, and some are even allowing tourists to roa... Read More »


Devolo Extending Product Warranty

The famous company Devolo, best known for their WiFi extenders and powerline solutions, has announced, that they will give their clients the opportunity to extend the warranty on selected devices by 1... Read More »

Devolo dLAN 1000 mini Starter Kit Powerline – Hardware Review

Devolo dLAN 1000 mini Starter Kit Powerline – Hardware Review

We’ll have to face it, the internet is here to stay and it’s becoming more and more important on a daily basis. There are now actually generations that grew up or are growing up with the internet ... Read More »