CLOSED – Contest: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Pro Evolution Soccer 2016

Thanks to all who participated, sadly we weren’t able to give every single one of you a prize, but without further ado, we present you the winners:
- 2 x Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for Xbox One => Geertrui Verjans, Mike De Jonghe
- 2 x Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for Xbox 360 => Sébastien Frooninckx, Mordul Vandycke
- 1 x Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for PlayStation 4 => Bart Verbeke
- 1 x Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 for Xbox One => Annemie De Groote
- 1 x Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 for Xbox 360 => Michiel Sallaets
- 2 x Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 for PlayStation 3 => Alissa Rijntalder, Jessica ‘Jess’ Glonek
Winners will have two weeks to claim their prize by contacing our facebook page. If not, prizes will be awarded randomly to other participants. (End date to claim = 7th of December)
We are happy to announce a brand new contest today, even though our Halloween contest has only ended a few hours ago. This time we get to offer you some great Konami titles for your favorite consoles. We’ll have two different titles to hand out, namely Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Pro Evolution Soccer.
What do we have up for grabs?
- 2 x Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for Xbox One
- 2 x Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for Xbox 360
- 1 x Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for PlayStation 4
- 1 x Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 for Xbox One
- 1 x Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 for Xbox 360
- 2 x Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 for PlayStation 3
What will you have to do to have a chance to add these lovely games to your collection?
- Like our Facebook page, which can be found by clicking here.
- Like the Facebook post about this contest, by clicking here.
- Share the post you just liked on your own profile wall.
- Be sure to comment which game you like the best, and on what platform!
Good luck!
Contest will end on sunday the 22th of November.
Winners will be randomly picked thanks to the help of and they will be announced here, on the site.
If you wish to read the reviews of these two games, you can do so by clicking on their names:
CLOSED - Contest: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Pro Evolution Soccer 2016,1 Comment
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hope i win :3