
Wolverine #003 – Comic Book Review

Wolverine #003 – Comic Book Review

Wolverine was able to save his comrads in the previous bundle from a virus that originated from the Microverse. While this virus did not kill its hosts, it made them mindless puppets with one shared c... Read More »

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Captain America #003 – Comic Book Review

Captain America #003 – Comic Book Review

Ian was taken away from the tattered image that remained of the once glorious looking Captain America. While Ian, who was originally called Leopold by Zola, is not Steven’s birth son, Steven is dete... Read More »

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Thor God of Thunder #003 – Comic Book Review

Thor God of Thunder #003 – Comic Book Review

When the last bundle of Thor ended with the present day version of Thor, meeting his future scruffy, battered form, who walks through the halls of Asgard alone, it seems that the God Slayer has almost... Read More »

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Arthus Trivium #1 De engelen van Nostradamus – Comic Book Review

Arthus Trivium #1 De engelen van Nostradamus – Comic Book Review

The Dark Ages have always been a rather intriguing period, be it because it was the age of valiant knights and hero worship, or simply because the filth of humanity was ever so noticeable during this ... Read More »

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Gloria Victis #2 De tol van de nederlaag – Comic Book Review

Gloria Victis #2 De tol van de nederlaag – Comic Book Review

Fate has an odd way of teasing people, especially considering that Aelio lost everything due to his father’s chariot racing career, and now he finds himself in the service of a lord, training horses... Read More »

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Uncanny Avengers #003 – Comic Book Review

Uncanny Avengers #003 – Comic Book Review

Even though Apocalypse has been destroyed years ago, it seems he is back, albeit as someone else who wants to bear the same name. This means the Avengers will not only have their image problems to sol... Read More »

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All New X-Men #003 – Comic Book Review

All New X-Men #003 – Comic Book Review

Even though the original X-Men now find themselves in our present time, fighting alongside of their future selves, at least those that are still alive or on the side of good, things aren’t going as ... Read More »

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Iron Man #003 – Comic Book Review

Iron Man #003 – Comic Book Review

Iron Man expanded his area for his heroics and blasted himself into space, to fight injustice wherever he comes, and perhaps score a pretty alien lady in the process. It becomes clear quite rapidly th... Read More »

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De Rode Ridder #249 De Satansvrucht – Comic Book Review

De Rode Ridder #249 De Satansvrucht – Comic Book Review

It has been quite an epic journey for Johan, the valiant red knight, now he’s closing in on his 250th adventure. Sadly, this 249th album also means the end of a great adventurous era, as Johan and t... Read More »

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The Making of Amoras – Comic Book Review

The Making of Amoras – Comic Book Review

There’s no denying that Amoras, the adult version of Suske and Wiske, created a huge amount of buzz that reached longtime fans, as well as those who were simply looking for an exciting tale. At the ... Read More »

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