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Fixture S2 – Accessory Review

Fixture S2 – Accessory Review

Switch gamers on the go will probably have noticed a few areas where Nintendo’s hybrid console doesn’t always shine, such as the quality of the Joy-Cons as well as the unpleasant shape of ... Read More »

Mushroom Wars 2 – Review

Mushroom Wars 2 – Review

Normally the best type of mushrooms are those covered in cheese on a pizza. A good second place is there for the mushrooms that are able to fight each other, such as those in Mushroom Wars 2. You mig... Read More »

Site Score
Lava Simulcharge USB (TL-002) – Hardware Review

Lava Simulcharge USB (TL-002) – Hardware Review

Frequent users of Samsung’s popular tablets might all share a similar annoyance. Running out of power when streaming a movie from your USB stick or perhaps running out of power when connecting a con... Read More »